A-Z of Legal Marketing
There’s never been a more exciting time to be in legal marketing.
Yes, many of the old clichés about the difficulty of working in a partnership still hold true, but think about the opportunities.
The pace of change in marketing has never been greater. New ways of engaging people are emerging constantly. Marketeers have more tools to help them do their jobs than ever before. There are so many ways for us to be great at what we do.
Equally, the legal market is undergoing a fundamental shift. Law firms are having to think harder than ever about how they’re distinctive, what their purpose is and what it takes to stand out. Competition and consolidation is beginning to make them think differently. They really need marketing – perhaps for the first time ever.
The challenges
With so much to be done – and so many ways to do it – how do we prioritise? Where should we focus our limited time, people and money? How do we decide what we will and won’t do?
To help, Thirteen and Brand Remedy have produced the A – Z of legal marketing: 26 ideas to help law firms articulate, communicate and demonstrate how they’re distinctive.
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