Chris McDowell
SEO Strategy

Chris is a techie through and through, working around the globe and dealing with a wide range of projects, clients and technologies.
Shifting to a web architectural role a few years back has enabled Chris to strengthen his experience, allowing him to help clients achieve their long-term vision by developing successful SEO strategies that make a real difference.
As well as being a self-confessed SEO techie, the thing that gets Chris out of bed in the morning is his rabbit, Daisy – usually because she’s trying to escape her prison (also known as her own bedroom) as it’s breakfast time. Going on amazing but random adventures with his better half, Jen, is also high on that list…
Favourite remedies
Favourite Food:
Pizza from Filaga, NYC
Favourite Book:
Any Game of Thrones Book (don’t get me started on Season 8)
Favourite Band:
Favourite Remedy:
6 o’clock Gin: Brunel Edition and Commonwealth Joe Coffee from Washington D.C.
Chris McDowell, SEO Strategy