Brand Remedy developed a new brand for Blazehill, a entrant into the alternative lending market.
Blazehill arranges and provides funding to companies that may be unable to access traditional funding sources. A team of credit specialists find creative ways to provide borrowers with maximum flexibility and liquidity promising quick decisions and certainty to enable fast-paced transactions.
Working closely with the executive team we led a name generation and brand workshop to help articulate the firm’s proposition and brand values. Brand Remedy then developed a dynamic and vibrant visual identity for the business followed by the creation of a corporate website and other marketing communications.
Speed to market was essential and the whole branding exercise was completed in just 8 weeks.
"The Brand Remedy team supported us through the development of the Blazehill brand and the creation of an exciting and dynamic visual identity. We are very happy with the results and I’d recommend Brand Remedy to any business looking to develop their brand."
Tom Weedall
Managing Director